Origin: Colombia
Roast Profile: Medium
Process: Washed, Dried on Raised Beds
Altitude: 1,200-1,500 MASL
Flavor Notes: Caramel, Floral, Sweet
Recognized by the United Nations World Food Program for empowering women in indigenous communities, Aurora Izquierdo, The Director of the Association of Indigenous Agroecology Producers (ANEI), created a sustainable agriculture program that has dramatically improved the quality of life in the Arhuaco coffee growers community.
ANEI coffee producers share a belief system that focuses on protecting Earth and maintaining harmony between humans and nature. They focus on increasing productivity and improving procedures to achieve the highest quality coffee from each variety of coffee tree. This coffee is the work of approximately 700 producers in Northern Colombia and is certified Fairtrade and Organic. The coffee cherries were pulped in hand-cranked machines and beans were washed, and fermented for approx. 18 hours and then dried on raised beds, in the sun, and in small solar greenhouses.